Just as prenuptial agreements are a safety net for marriages, solid commercial agreements are the backbone of any successful business relationship. When things are going well, it’s easy to overlook potential future conflicts. However, the truth is that without the right agreements in place, disagreements over finances and strategy along with personal differences can quickly spiral out of control.

I have seen firsthand, many a time, how a lack of preparation can lead to disastrous outcomes. That’s why I cannot emphasise enough the importance of having well-drafted agreements that cover all the bases. Think of these agreements as the business equivalent of a prenup – they might not be romantic, but they’re essential and are designed to protect your interests, minimise disruptions and ensure a fair and equitable outcome if disputes arise.

Key clauses like exit strategies, directors’ responsibilities, mediation and dispute resolution processes along with equity sharing are essential components of robust commercial agreements. These clauses provide a clear roadmap for resolving conflict.   Without these protections, businesses risk costly legal battles, damaged reputations and even financial ruin.

By preparing for the unexpected, your business can weather any storm and continue to thrive, no matter what challenges come your way.

Yours in law

PJ Veldhuizen